Windows Task Scheduler

When the GUI fails, Windows users have a solution. There are two folders on your computer that you can go to, to check periodically…


The items you find here will most likely be run every day, each time you login, logout, or walk away from your computer. A lot of them will be from Microsoft and they’re okay. Microsoft doesn’t profit from putting crap on your computer. I can hear the cackling of some but, despite that, it’s true. The ones you do want to get rid of are the ones (web sites and web browsers) that are always trying to update themselves and do other shit when you’re not looking.

Google Chrome and FaceBook are notorious for this. Get rid of these tasks. Web sites and Web browsers don’t need to be installing their ish into your computer’s task scheduler folder structure. It’s like one of their employees, self-appointing themselves to walk into your house without your knowledge and consent, and instruct one of your family members and a household appliance or two, to do stuff for them. And the last motherfuckers I want from FaceBook doing that are their censors and social experimenters pretending they have real jobs but do asinine bullshit like censor an uploaded video that’s filtered to be shared with 1 or 2 family members on the basis that the video contains copyrighted music material but yet, allow cover bands to upload their videos of live performances of copyrighted music material (duh, what’s the difference censor cop? Ya just don’t know.), or, allow someone to post a hardened penis as their profile avatar (how did that slip by your security checks?) I just don’t know, …nor, the assholes who sat around a conference room all day long just to come up with a lame brained idea for a, get this, a kindergarten playground “social experiment”, to see what would happen if their users saw nothing but negative posts in their newsfeeds all day long. WTF, lol, get a real job losers!

Their mentality might be, “well, you use our ish, therefore, we have a right to do anything we want.”  And many people tolerate it. Sorry foo but, a social media web site is not permitted to “run” stuff on my computer upon login, startup or at idle. Amazon doesn’t do it, neither do Banks, PayPal, NetFlix, etc, etc, etc. Browser? Okay, that I might allow but, just how many scheduled tasks in my system do you need to run optimally, Google?  You need to contain shit like that in your application folder and at start up.

Naming Convention

Welcome to the Naming Convention. Please proceed into the hall, pick up your welcome packet, help yourself to refreshments, have a seat and at 8:30 AM, we’ll begin with giving everyone a name!

Eh, software coding naming conventions. I started my learning with mainframe languages at school, and learned PC programming languages at work. Function and variable naming conventions. They’re such a thing ya know.

Anyhow, it’s taken a few years, like 5, I think, when I first encountered someone in a C# article suggesting it proper to use an underscore ” _ ” to precede variable names. Like I said, it took a few years but, today, I’ve decided that they’re UGLY as HELL. Only one project I have that uses it and I hate looking at them. The eyes and mind actually have to take a few milliseconds to process them. Why would I want to do that when I’m already working with a programming language that’s not as terse as C but, well, after long hours, can be as terse as walking through a dead forest with nothing but dead branches all up in your face scratching your eyeballs out.

So, goodbye _oUglyVarName and __oYuckyVariableNamingConvention.  Hello, goVarName and lngVarName.  To the C# dude that recommended the underscore, ugh, that wasn’t kool bruh.

Who are you and Why are you here?

For Windows users. Click the Start menu and in the Search Programs and Files box, type CERTMGR.MSC and press Enter. Expand the Trust Root Certification Authorities and click the Certificates folder. Maximize the window so you can review everything that’s in there.

Do you know who these entities are? Perhaps one, two or more? I recognize some of them and I know why they’re in there. I’m curious about a majority of them though. Especially, the ones that are from Latin countries.  Who are these entities, how did they get in there and why are they in there?

Well, it goes something like this. Some are there because they created, manufactured and/or provided you with the computer hardware, operating system and others I put in there by trusting their web site and/or software that I purchased and/or downloaded. Still, there are a lot of them that I don’t recognize, and probably got there by say-so of the aforementioned ways that they typically get in there, probably, most likely, from the good ole boy network.

These certificates in your computer’s certificate security store are a way of telling your computer to trust them, their software, emails and web sites. For the ones I don’t even recognize, it bothers me that I wasn’t asked. One day, I’ll share links where you too can download if you’re interested and have a need for them, software I created. Utilities as they’re called, designed to help get work done faster.  I will ask you to trust my certificate by downloading and installing it.  How will your reaction be I wonder? As with those other entities in your certificate store, you won’t really know me from Adam but, you’ll have the courtesy to validate who I am at least. Who validated those in your Certificate store though? You nor I.

The difference between them and me and others like me is, we’re politely asking you to trust our certificates versus you popping into your local Cert store surprised to find our certificates with our actual legal names and contact info on it, saving you the guess work of who we actually are.